A new chapter. : DamienManseeMusic.Com

Damien Mansee was born on the cold dark, dreary, day of June 11th. In the autumn ashen light of south carolina... reports say, "He came out screamin a tune and hasn't stop since!" Having grown up in Oregon and then moved to Phoenix, Arizona, he met the Father he never had... His folky; acoustic tone, drones in panic, anxiety, fear, depression, and at times the most schitzophrenic, and sociopathic of lyrics... A grim reminder of "the real world." Truly one of the most manic, neurotic musicians of our century. Damien Mansee now resides in San Francisco, and is available for booking and lessons almost anytime.

A new chapter.

by Damien Mansee on 05/22/13

I will be moving back to arizona come the first of june, and am looking forward to beginning a new chapter in life. Stay tuned for updates. A Lot of projects coming up no more outdated site:)

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